Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wise Heart – Mudro srce

Then I asked the Creator for three things that would help me on my journey
I asked for a pure and open heart to remember the child in all His stories.
I asked for a strong and true heart that can endure the coming trials;
And I asked the Creator for a wise heart that can choose His righteous paths.
Hey-ya-yey-hey! Wa-ya U-nega

Tada upitah Stvoritelja za tri stvari koje će mi pomoći na mom putovanju.
Upitah ga za čisto i otvoreno srce da podsjeti dijete u svim njegovim pričama.
Upitah ga za jako i istinito srce što može izdržati dolazeća iskušenja;
I upitah Stvoritelja za mudro srce koje može izabrati ispravne puteve.
Hey-ya-yey-hey! Wa-ya U-nega

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Games - Igre

Ever hear of Deep Blue, Shredder, or Fritz?
Many experts would argue that those are phenomenal chess programs. And I would have to agree.
But for the average 'Joe', playing those chess programs is like fighting a tank with a baseball bat. You just can't win!

What's the solution?

Jeste li ikad čuli za Deep Blue, Shredder ili Fritza?
Mnogi stručnjaci se slažu kako su ovo odlični programi za igranje šaha. Slažem se s time. Međutim za prosječnog igrača šaha igra protiv ovih programa je kao napad bejzbol palicom na tenk. Nema šanse da ćeš pobjediti!

Što je rješenje?